Thursday, November 02, 2006

I dream in digital

I finally gave in and bought a digital camera. I tried holding out as long as I could, but I just couldn't hold on any longer. I love my film camera, but it's such a pain to take the film in and develop it and then if I want the pictures on my computer I gotta pay more to have them put on CD or scan them in. I figured it's about time for me to embrace the digital age and sell my soul to the Mega Pixels. Someday I'd like to be a more serious photographer, so I took this first step and a chunk of my wallet into the great above and beyond of digital photography. It seems like almost everybody has some sort of digital camera something, whether it be in a camera, or their phone, or their Helio or their pen or their eyeballs. I think that someday all we need to do to take a picture is to blink, then think about what we just blinked at, stare at our computer screen for a second, then WHALA, there's our picture. That's the future my friends, welcome to it.


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