Wednesday, January 10, 2007

So this is the New Year...

...and I don't feel any different. But I want to feel different, so I'm gonna make a list of goals for 2007. My New Years Resolution or whatever is to try to accomplish as many of these goals as possible. Most of these goals pertain to what I'm going to do with my life and trying to make it a good one. Which is good. I hope I don't waste my life away forever.

2006 wasn't a horrible year. It was better than 2003. It may not have been as good as 2005, though. I'm kind of scared of 2007, I'm not sure why. The number seven has always brought up some kind of fear inside of me and I'm not sure why. I'm not a big fan of odd numbers in general, so maybe that has something to do with it.

I'm sorry this is kind of a lame post, but I wanted to put up something here cuz I haven't for a while, and I didn't want people to think I hated them, or that I was lazy, which the latter might be a little truer than the former. But never fear, a lengthy report of my Holidays is being written kind of right now (not exactly right now because I can't right both at the same time) and will be up very soon. whoa. So hold on to your hats and enjoy January and whatever sort of new year it's shaping up to be for you. Hopefully a good one. We all need a good year every now and then.


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