Saturday, April 04, 2009

Colin Powell ow ow

So my assignment yesterday for the Post-Standard was to photograph Colin Powell during a speech he was giving at Colgate University. I was kind of nervous because I've never covered an event of that magnitude before. It was kind of a big deal I guess. There were security guards and cops and secret service and green berets and navy seals and sea lions and everything. I wish I could've stayed and listened to the whole address, but I had to get back to Syracuse (which is an hour from Colgate) and get the photos in by my 10pm deadline (which I made this time!). He is a very engaging speaker. The crowd was cracking up and applauding and all that. I'm not quite sure what he was talking about because I was working, but it sounded important (you can read the story here). I liked photographing him because he's very expressive and dynamic. So yeah, that was fun, good times.

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At 3:29 PM, Blogger kristin a. smith said...

Nicely done for the time you had!

At 6:46 PM, Anonymous Ross Wilsie said...

dude, your composition rocks! very impressive... it's weird to think back on the days a "few" years ago when you were just starting to take a serious interest in photography. you've come a long way, my friend. :-)


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